Friday, May 6, 2011

End of Course Survey

I completed the end of course survey. Overall I learned a lot in this class and I would recommend it to everyone. It is not just a class for teachers it is a class to improve your technology skills. It can help with presentations, office documents, and so much more. Being an architecture major I didn't get to see all of the technology that is used in the classroom, but I now know that there is an endless possibility when it come to technology in and outside of the classroom.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Photo Story  is a pretty neat program that windows offers. It allows you to make movie files in the form of a slideshow. I personally did not care for the editing part of it and I tended to edit some of my photos in Photoshop before putting them into Photo Story. I also had the problem that when I started to run the program that my microphone stopped working. I am not sure why it did that. Even tough it does not have the sound I originally meant for it to have, I used Mark Will's song Don't Laugh at Me that I retrieved from YouTube.

I became a member of YouTube. (something I thought I would never do) Change is good though! I enjoyed learning about all the technology this semester! So here is my You Tube video: Cyber-bullying.

This program allows one to make your own videos to use in the classroom which alternatively allows a teacher to follow the ISTE NETS 3c. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning by communicating relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

File Converter

I think that this website is neat. I already have a program that I downloaded on my computer that can do basically the same thing, but with BenderConverter I can save some space on my hard drive. Simply by putting the URL in the box and downloading is all it takes.
I used a video that I found that seems really funny to me. It jokes about all the hard work that is put into preparing to become an architect. While I want to teach architecture and design I also want people to be aware of the hard work it takes. 

This makes using videos easier especially if you will not have internet at the place you might be presenting. I think that technology has come a long way and implementing videos in the classroom is a great way to integrate the future of technology and connect with this generation.With that said I think that this closely follows the ISTE NETS 3d. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning by modeling and facilitating effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

YouTube Video

When doing this assignment I was excited because I have been using this program to download videos and mp3s directly to my iTunes for a couple of months now. The program that I downloaded to so that I could obtain videos from YouTube is DVDVideoSoft . It is a simple process. Just go to the website and download the Free YouTube Download 2.10.33. Once it is downloaded you can choose what you want to download and how you want to download it. I choose Free YouTube to iPod but you can also choose the plain Free YouTube download and it will allow you to use Windows Media Player.

 This is my video that I acquired from YouTube and then used Blogger to upload my video from the file on my computer. However I have to give credit where credit is due; this video was made and put on YouTube by MAYAnMAYA.


For the next part of the assignment I was not sure how to take my now personal video and make it loop. I tried looking it up and searching for an answer but all I found was how to loop a YouTube video on blogger. 
I used blogbulk to figure out how to loop and autoplay the YouTube video. However this took some time because I had to use a setting to use the old embedding code. The new embedding code would not work and an error kept coming up saying that it could not find the video.

 I think that the journey I took to get here closely resembles the ISTE NETS 5a. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership by participating in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning. If teachers can research and look up things that will make their classrooms better through and with technology then students can succeed in the future and be opened to the same opportunities.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tiny cc/ Bitly

Say I want to share a picture with you that I got from a website I could copy and paste the address/ hyperlink to the message, however what if the address/ hyperlink is extremely long? This makes reading the rest of the letter I send you extremely long. By shortening an address it makes sharing websites easier. The sender does not have to write something really long which cuts out on errors and it is easier for the the receiver to input a short amount of characters than a long amount. For instance I really want to share a website with other teachers about a art project that they could use in their classroom. I could use this  address which can become very sloppy and long or I could use Bitly and shorten the address to Either way they will still get to the same website but the shorter one can cause less errors and confusion. This is something that can be used in various different ways. Teachers can use it to provide websites to parents, teachers, the community, the principal and so many more people! Thus meeting the ISTE NETS 4c. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility by promoting and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Voice Thread

I really enjoyed this tool. It is a neat way to communicate and share ideas. I think that Voice Thread is a good way for groups of people to work together when they can not physically meet or be involved in chat room. It can be used in 5 different ways (voice, typed, video, phone, or webcam) This provides a way that anyone can participateEveryone has a different schedule and this website can make things easier by being able to respond in one's own time.

This can directly correlate to Standard 5: Professional Responsibilities for School and Community Function 5F: School, Family and Community Connections because it will allow for the teacher to work collaboratively with the principal, colleagues, parents, students and the community to develop and sustain school activities that make meaningful connections between the school and families and the community. It can also relate to ISTE NETS under 4c. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility  to promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information. This website will make it easier for the teacher to prompt for interactions and between the school, family, and community while increasing the knowledge of digital technologies.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I have never done a podcast before in my life and I have to say that they are a lot harder than they seem. Maybe that is because I am a perfectionist and I had to record several times to get it right. I used Audacity to create my podcast and used Podbean to publish it. My topic was on the fundamentals of geometry using the CSO Policy 2520.2. A CSO that is met is M.O.G. 3.1.
It was very hard for me to pick a topic to do a podcast on because I am a very visual person and I like to teach things with demonstrations rather than lecture. However I can see how this could come in handy in a classroom environment especially in college when the professor can not be there or during e-week when there is no class.
Overall I think that podcasts easy to do but I really would rather make a video or PowerPoint to teach from. However podcasts can show a teacher how voice inflection is used and how to implement that in the classroom by simply recording their voice and listening. This could follow Standard 4: Professional Responsibilities for Self-Renewal, in that the teacher is learning how to word things and communicate to others so that they can understand. This also follows the ISTE NETS 2d. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments by providing students a different type of learning experience aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.